Home Diet & Nutrition Hormone Type 6 Diet and Exercise Plan 2023

Hormone Type 6 Diet and Exercise Plan 2023

by Shah Nawaz
Hormone Type 6 Diet


To improve your health, lose weight, and balance hormones sustainably, consider following a hormone type 6 diet and exercise plan. Its idea stems from how six distinct types of hormones influence metabolic processes such as metabolism, appetite, mood and energy levels – as such consuming foods according to your hormone type is said to optimize body functions while meeting wellness goals. We will outline all its benefits here! We will also give tips for sustainable implementation!

What is a hormone type 6 diet?

Hormone Type 6 Diet (HT6) is a nutritional plan designed to balance estrogen and progesterone, both of which tend to decrease during menopause leading to weight gain, fatigue and other symptoms. It consists of five daily meals with proteins, carbohydrates and healthy fats as well as foods known to inhibit hormone production like gluten, dairy products, sugar alcohol and caffeine which could block this production. A Hormone Type 6 Diet can help women lose weight more quickly while simultaneously increasing metabolism and improving overall health and well-being. The six hormone types are:


Cortisol is an essential stress hormone responsible for maintaining stable blood sugar, blood pressure and immune system functioning. Too much or too little cortisol may result in weight gain, fatigue, anxiety and inflammation – potentially leading to weight issues as well.


Insulin is a key hormone responsible for helping your body use glucose for energy efficiently, and too little or too much may lead to diabetes, obesity, cravings or mood swings.


Estrogen is an essential female sexual hormone which regulates your reproductive system, bone health and skin quality. When its levels become imbalanced – either too high or low – they can lead to menstrual issues, infertility, weight gain and acne breakouts.


Men’s sexual hormone testosterone plays an essential role in controlling muscle mass, strength, libido, and hair growth. If it becomes excessive or deficient, too much testosterone could result in aggression, depression, erectile dysfunction or hair loss.


Thyroid hormone is responsible for managing your metabolism, body temperature and heart rate. If thyroid levels fluctuate too significantly or too infrequently it could result in hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism which in turn impact weight, energy levels and mood negatively.


This hormone signals your brain when you are full or hungry. Leptin levels that are too high or too low can lead to overeating, undereating, hunger pangs and binge eating.

Benefits of hormone type 6 diet and exercise plan

An effective diet and exercise plan tailored for hormone type 6 patients may help them improve their health in various ways, including:

Reduce stress levels

Eating foods that support your adrenal glands and cortisol production can lower your stress levels and improve your mental health.

Improve metabolism

You can burn more calories and fat daily by eating foods that boost your thyroid function and metabolism rate.

Balance hormones

By eating foods that regulate your estrogen, testosterone, insulin and leptin levels, you can better balance your hormones and avoid imbalances that could potentially lead to health complications.

Promote weight loss

By choosing foods that help control appetite and satisfy hunger without creating cravings, you can successfully lose weight while maintaining a healthy body mass index (BMI).

Improve mood

Consuming foods that increase serotonin and dopamine production can significantly enhance your mood while decreasing depression and anxiety risk.

Boost energy levels

Eating foods that provide steady energy and prevent blood sugar crashes can boost your energy levels and avoid fatigue and lethargy.

Improve sleep quality

Eating foods promoting melatonin and growth hormone secretion can improve your sleep quality and duration and wake up refreshed and rejuvenated.

Reduce inflammation

Eating foods that fight inflammation and oxidative stress can reduce inflammation and pain in your joints, muscles, and organs.

Improve skin health

Diet is key in maintaining optimal skin health and appearance; choose foods that nourish the skin to prevent acne, wrinkles, and sagging.

Foods and drinks allowed on hormone type 6 diet and exercise plan

Foods and drinks you can enjoy on a hormone type 6 diet and exercise plan depend on your specific hormone type. However,

Some examples of foods and drinks that are allowed on the plan are:

  • Lean meats like chicken, turkey and fish provide important nutrition.
  • Eggs and egg whites as a low fat dairy alternative (such as yogurt, cheese, and milk).
  • Soy products comprise tofu, tempeh, as well as soy milk.
  • Nuts and seeds like flaxseeds, walnuts, almonds, and Chia seeds.
  • Whole grains such as oatmeal, quinoa, brown rice and whole wheat bread are examples of such ingredients.
  • Fruits and vegetables that contain antioxidants and fiber should be prioritized as sources of nutrition.
  • Healthy oils like olive, coconut and avocado oils all offer significant health advantages.
  • Water, herbal teas and unsweetened coffee can all contribute to keeping you healthy.

Foods and drinks to avoid on hormone type 6 diet and exercise plan

Foods and drinks to avoid on hormone type 6 diet and exercise plan

Foods and drinks you should avoid on hormone type 6 diet and exercise plan also depend on your specific hormone type. However, some common foods and beverages not permitted for most classes include:

  • Red meat, pork meats, processed meats like bacon, ham and sausage all fall under this food grouping.
  • Full fat dairy products like cream, butter and ice cream contain high concentrations of calories.
  • White bread, white rice, pasta and pastries are examples of foods which contain refined carbohydrates.
  • Honey, maple syrup, agave nectar and candy all contain excess sugar that may contribute to weight gain and metabolic illnesses.
  • Artificial sweetness can be added using sweeteners such as aspartame, sucralose and saccharin.
  • Beverages with alcohol, soda, juice and energy.
  • Trans fatty acids found in margarine, shortening, and fast food all cause inflammation within the body.

Exercise plan

Exercise plan

Based on your hormone type and level of fitness, an exercise plan designed for hormone type 6 should be devised accordingly. Following are general suggestions:

  • Engaging in low intensity exercises such as yoga, swimming or strolling may help lower stress and cortisol levels.
  • Sprinting, jumping and cycling as part of your high intensity interval training (HIIT) regimen can increase insulin sensitivity and glucose metabolism.
  • Strength training includes push ups, squats and weightlifting to build muscle mass and boost testosterone levels.
  • Skipping, running and jogging can all help lower cholesterol and blood pressure levels.
  • Moderate intensity exercises, including dancing, hiking and aerobics should be undertaken to increase thyroid function and metabolic rate.
  • Combining cardio and weight exercise is key for maintaining healthy leptin levels and appetite regulation.

Exercise at least 30 minutes each day, three to five times per week. Warming up before exercising and cooling down afterward are both key steps towards avoiding injuries and soreness during workouts.

Sample meal plan

Sample meal plan

A sample meal plan for a day on a Hormone type 6 diet and exercise plan may look something like this:

Breakfast: Oatmeal with almond milk, blueberries, and walnuts

Snack: Greek yogurt with raspberries and sunflower seeds

Lunch: Chicken salad with lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, avocado, and olive oil dressing

Snack: Hummus with carrot and celery sticks

Dinner: Salmon with roasted broccoli and quinoa

Tips for following hormone type 6 diet and exercise plan in a sustainable way

A hormone type 6 diet and exercise plan is not a quick fix or a fad diet. It’s a lifestyle change that requires dedication and perseverance. Follow it sustainably, and you should:

  • Please consult your doctor before starting a plan to ensure it is safe and suitable for you.
  • Take the quiz or test to determine your hormone type accurately and follow guidelines accordingly.
  • Plan your meals and snacks, stockpiling nutritious food and drinks.
  • Keep tabs on your progress by measuring weight, body fat percentage, blood pressure, blood sugar and hormone levels on a regular basis.
  • Reward yourself with occasional treats or cheat meals that fit your hormone type and do not derail your goals.
  • Seek support from your family, friends or online communities following the same plan or goals.


Hormone type 6 diet and exercise plans provide tailored assistance for improving health, losing weight, balancing hormones and improving sleep. By adhering to general principles and specific plan guidelines you may experience various advantages that include reduced stress levels, improved metabolism, balanced hormones, weight loss promotion, mood elevation, energy boost, better sleep quality, decreased inflammation levels and enhanced skin health – not as fast or easily as other plans do! These programs should not be seen as quick fixes or temporary diet solutions but rather long term strategies. It’s a lifestyle shift that requires commitment and persistence. Follow it sustainably, and you should consult with your doctor before starting a plan, take a quiz or test to determine your hormone type accurately, plan your meals and snacks ahead of time, track your progress and results regularly, reward yourself with occasional treats or cheat meals that fit your hormone type, and seek support from your family, friends or online communities who are following same plan or have similar goals.

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